Awaken 369 is dedicated to providing 100% natural sacred oil blends designed to enhance your spiritual journey and holistic well-being. Our blends, crafted for meditation rituals, body, hair, and bath use, are infused with the purest organic coconut oil, renowned for its hydrating and soothing properties for the skin. Embrace the essence of nature and elevate your spiritual practices with our carefully curated blends.
I have worked in the beauty and fragrance industry for over 30 years. I have always been drawn to the aroma, color, and energy of scents. Essential oils felt like hope, love, and magic all wrapped up in one small bottle!
Over the years I’ve helped create and launch many beauty and fragrance brands. I’ve enjoyed the creative process with each of the founders, from the initial concept to the finished product. Fine-tuning the packaging and assessing each rendition of various formulas brought such joy and satisfaction to my soul. I was often told that I had a gift, a knowing of what was missing and what was unnecessary. Little did I know that my choice of career was no accident!

Many spiritual practitioners speak of their awakening and give exact dates and experiences. I do not have that. I was always spiritual and always knew there was something greater than myself. I knew that this lifetime was temporary and that there was much more than happened before and would happen after. More information would unfold or be remembered as I read or saw or heard something meant to activate the next layer of my awakening. Removing the veil of forgetfulness and remembering my powers became a focus. Reiki and meditation helped me open my gifts…my clair’s. I now know that I am clairvoyant (seeing), clairsentient (feeling) claircognizant (knowing), and clairgustant (smelling). They developed over a period of several years.
Many also speak of soul missions and I believe that we each have many options. All leading to one large collective mission. Helping GAIA to transition from 3D to 5D is a prime example. We can’t do this alone; therefore my goal is to help to awaken other Starseeds to remember who they truly are, to awaken their full powers. I was divinely guided to create these sacred anointing oils in order to assist with this. They are activating and powerful in the best way possible; as they are blessed with the love of the Divine Mother & Father, Gaia Sophia, various Ascended Masters and many from the Angelic Kingdom. The Angel of Scent also came forward as a guide to help me be the voice for the essential oils and fragrance notes who cannot speak for themselves. (This was mind-blowing and beautiful! Her energy is pure love)
Since launching the brand on 8/8/24 at a Lions Gate conference in Mount Shasta, CA, I have received several testimonials from various healers, light workers, and Starseeds who had attended and purchased my oils. The positive response was overwhelming! This validation and encouragement gave me the confirmation needed to continue on this path, as I now know that I have a divine gift to share with others.
I will continue to add more products as I’m divinely guided to do so. I intend to build this brand into a safe and nurturing place that reminds Starseeds of their galactic homes, their star families, as well as their missions.
I hope you love these oils as much as I do!
Sending much love, light, and gratefulness to all!
Kauai, Hawaii 8/8/23
Mount Shasta, CA 8/8/24
Sacred Anointing Oil Ritual
This is my ideal ritual for my meditation practice. I like to light a candle, play soothing music, and burn sage or Palo Santo to clear the space. I blend the STARSEED & INNER CHILD oils together. I tap the oils into my hand & massage my palms together. I then inhale the aroma as I bring my hands to my nose. I then tap using my middle & pointer finger on my crown, third eye, throat & heart chakras. I rub any excess on my wrists, neck, chest & hair. I do this as I bring in my higher self & oversoul & release anything that is not in support of my highest love, light, timeline & dimension. I bless & return all back to their origin. I create a sovereign circle of empowerment & invite all of my angels, guides, ascended masters, inner children & star families who support me with my highest good, timeline & dimension. I then set my intention for the day & thank them for their support, love & guidance. I also ground deeply within Gaia and use the GAIA blend on my feet, legs & lower chakras to assist with the connection. I also use the energetic synthesis (Lisa Renee) 12D shield, using archangel Metatron’s cube as an added level of grounding & protection.